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Final Fantasy XIV Roulette Tanking Cheat Sheet / Guide - Dungeons (patch 5.0.5)

This article is a compilation of mechanics relevant to tanks running Levelling/50,60,70/Expert roulettes in FFXIV that are not immediately intuitive and/or telegraphed by standard in-game markers. Tankbusters are only mentioned for ShB and otherwise if they do 50+% hp damage to the tank. I'll try to limit this to stuff that is wipe-worthy or embarrasing to get hit by. Shadowbringers (71-80) Akadaemia Anyder (80) Trash to Boss #1: Standard pulls from start are 2 packs, then 1 pack. Boss #1: Sharks jumping out of water will AOE the platform with fast telegraph. Hug sides. Blue shark - circle AOE, Red shark - cone AOE. Tankbuster : Protolithic Puncture Boss #2: After tentacle slams there's an AOE in front of boss, lots of debuffs. Boss #3: Pick up blue orbs left after storm AOE. DPS should do this. Tankbuster : Shockbolt The Twinning (80) Boss #1:  Boss marks players I-II-III-IV into line AOE toward each player. Don't aim this at the glass canisters on the edge...

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